'포렌식'에 해당되는 글 8건
- 2009.11.17 디지털 포렌식 기술을 활용한 윈도우 시스템 조사 방법 2
- 2008.12.22 2009 Digital Forensic Technologies Workshop and Exhibition
- 2008.11.19 EnCase 6.12 출시
- 2008.10.17 Congratulations EnCE!
- 2008.08.11 EnCE Practical Exam CD 도착
- 2008.08.01 EnCE Phase I 합격
- 2008.05.14 End of ILook
- 2007.11.29 네티즌이 즐겨쓰는 암호 톱 10
종사자 분들은 다 아시는 내용이겠지만 공개된 장소에서 불특정 다수를 대상으로 하는 디지털 포렌식 기술 세미나는 좀 민감한 부분이 있을 수 있지 않나 생각해 봅니다.
또한 동일한 주제를 어떤식으로 강의하는지 궁금해지기도 하네요.
신청 (데브피아 가입이 필요합니다)
'Investigation' 카테고리의 다른 글
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EnCase의 새로운 Release가 출시되었습니다.
가장 큰 변화로는 기존 MD5 이외에 SHA1이 증거파일의 무결성 검증에 사용된다는 점입니다.
그리고 부분적이기는 하지만 HWP 파일에 대한 미리보기를 잘 지원하게 되었습니다. 여전히 HWP 2007 버전은 인식하지 못합니다 이 부분은 Outside In이 담당하는 부분이라 어쩔 수 없는 점도 있네요.
또한, Snapshot을 통한 Memory Analysis에서 ARP 와 Routing Table 을 볼 수 있게 되었습니다.
또 한가지 편한점은 About 메뉴에서 현재 연결된 Dongle의 Flag를 확인할 수 있게 된 점입니다.
그 밖에 여러가지 기능이 추가되었습니다만, 또 여러가지 버그들도 추가되었겠죠. -_-;;
EnCase 7은 어떤 모습을 보이게 될지 기대해 봅니다.
가장 큰 변화로는 기존 MD5 이외에 SHA1이 증거파일의 무결성 검증에 사용된다는 점입니다.
그리고 부분적이기는 하지만 HWP 파일에 대한 미리보기를 잘 지원하게 되었습니다. 여전히 HWP 2007 버전은 인식하지 못합니다 이 부분은 Outside In이 담당하는 부분이라 어쩔 수 없는 점도 있네요.
또한, Snapshot을 통한 Memory Analysis에서 ARP 와 Routing Table 을 볼 수 있게 되었습니다.
또 한가지 편한점은 About 메뉴에서 현재 연결된 Dongle의 Flag를 확인할 수 있게 된 점입니다.
그 밖에 여러가지 기능이 추가되었습니다만, 또 여러가지 버그들도 추가되었겠죠. -_-;;
EnCase 7은 어떤 모습을 보이게 될지 기대해 봅니다.
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드디어 EnCE, EnCase Certrified Examiner 라는 이름으로 활동할 수 있게 되었다.
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앞으로 60일!
Way to go, go for EnCE!
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Way to go!
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From: "Elliot Spencer"
Subject: ILook - the end, and the beginning.
Hello All,
I have some news to share with you about the future of the ILook project, the products within the project and the availability of those products to you from now on.
As many of you experienced ILook-hands will know, ILook started in the 1990s as part of my personal tool-set, it evolved from a different tool named "Seer." I originally distributed it to a few friends and colleagues but, as time went on, the distribution spread and spread. By the turn of the millennium, ILook was being distributed to several thousand users in over 30 countries and was rapidly outstripping my personal ability to fund it. In 2001, a company named Perlustro was established to develop ILook and this company formed a contractual relationship with a US Federal agency. This contractual relationship provided sufficient financial
assistance to continue the distribution of ILook, IXImager and other tools to you.
I originally started distributing ILook because I respected and valued the important forensic work conducted by you and your counterparts, and I understood how little support you had at that time. That's why my colleagues and I committed many years - and countless hours - to the development of forensic tools to the people who need them most - you! In return, your feedback and help have allowed us to make a much more effective and efficient toolset.
We have contributed our efforts to help thousands of investigators examine crimes that might otherwise have been ignored. Today, we are used in over 60 nations by Police, Military and Government Agencies. We are very proud of the contributions that our partnership has made to forensics over the years.
Unfortunately this now has to end.
That federal funding solution always had a finite life, and it ceased some weeks ago. Consequently, the ILook project as it has existed for nearly a decade is now at an end. Further development work on ILook v8 and IXImager v2 has ceased, as has work on the replacement projects for these products.
Perlustro will use its own resources to continue licensing for existing users for as long as we are able. However, there will be no further licenses issued for new users.
On a brighter note, we have exciting plans for Perlustro. Later this year we will release a series of eight exciting new forensic and e-discovery tools, incorporating substantial features not found in any other tool. Some of these tools will be capable of handling legacy ILook v8 and IXImager v2 image formats, so your existing forensic data will still be easily accessible to you into the future.
Further announcements about our new products and features, and our technology tie-ins with other companies, will appear over the next few months on our website www.perlustro.com. It's important to note that, for the first time, Perlustro will be developing and distributing tools that will be available to everyone - both public and private sectors.
Please feel free to cross-post this announcement to other lists as appropriate.
Elliot Spencer
예상대로 ILook 단종.
역시 돈되는건 e-Discovery.
Hello All,
I have some news to share with you about the future of the ILook project, the products within the project and the availability of those products to you from now on.
As many of you experienced ILook-hands will know, ILook started in the 1990s as part of my personal tool-set, it evolved from a different tool named "Seer." I originally distributed it to a few friends and colleagues but, as time went on, the distribution spread and spread. By the turn of the millennium, ILook was being distributed to several thousand users in over 30 countries and was rapidly outstripping my personal ability to fund it. In 2001, a company named Perlustro was established to develop ILook and this company formed a contractual relationship with a US Federal agency. This contractual relationship provided sufficient financial
assistance to continue the distribution of ILook, IXImager and other tools to you.
I originally started distributing ILook because I respected and valued the important forensic work conducted by you and your counterparts, and I understood how little support you had at that time. That's why my colleagues and I committed many years - and countless hours - to the development of forensic tools to the people who need them most - you! In return, your feedback and help have allowed us to make a much more effective and efficient toolset.
We have contributed our efforts to help thousands of investigators examine crimes that might otherwise have been ignored. Today, we are used in over 60 nations by Police, Military and Government Agencies. We are very proud of the contributions that our partnership has made to forensics over the years.
Unfortunately this now has to end.
That federal funding solution always had a finite life, and it ceased some weeks ago. Consequently, the ILook project as it has existed for nearly a decade is now at an end. Further development work on ILook v8 and IXImager v2 has ceased, as has work on the replacement projects for these products.
Perlustro will use its own resources to continue licensing for existing users for as long as we are able. However, there will be no further licenses issued for new users.
On a brighter note, we have exciting plans for Perlustro. Later this year we will release a series of eight exciting new forensic and e-discovery tools, incorporating substantial features not found in any other tool. Some of these tools will be capable of handling legacy ILook v8 and IXImager v2 image formats, so your existing forensic data will still be easily accessible to you into the future.
Further announcements about our new products and features, and our technology tie-ins with other companies, will appear over the next few months on our website www.perlustro.com. It's important to note that, for the first time, Perlustro will be developing and distributing tools that will be available to everyone - both public and private sectors.
Please feel free to cross-post this announcement to other lists as appropriate.
Elliot Spencer
예상대로 ILook 단종.
역시 돈되는건 e-Discovery.
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